Start on Monday Fed up and starving by Friday, start again Monday- Sound Familiar we all have done it. Join Diet club, humiliated in front of others at lack of progress on week 5 when you hit the plateau. Upset that some can lose weight easily but your love handles remain stubborn. Success and you have reached your target weight and celebrate with slap up meal on all food you have been denied for so long, 6 months later and your weight is slowly returning.
Don't worry you are not alone.
Diets Don't Work
Diets Don't Work and it's a proven fact. New Research shows that most dieters will regain the weight they lost and more. Weight loss requires more than just diet and exercise and my NEW for 2012 FAT BUSTER PLAN will teach you the science behind how and why our body stores FAT and what you need to BUST that fat FOREVER.
Starting with FREE introduction talks at ENERGIE FITNESS MONTROSE on 17th January 2012 at 11am OR 18th January 2012 at 8pm. Come along and learn for FREE why my plan is not a diet, 3 meals a day and 2 snacks, no starvation, only healthy nutritious food your body will crave.
Over the 10 week sessions we will cover;
- Blood-sugar balancing - Protein power - Are your hormones making you fat - Why stress makes you fat around the middle - Latest nutritional research on nutrients that may aid fat loss - Foods and recipes that balance your body and help it bust fat - Why detoxification is important to your success - Why diet food and drinks are bad, and may actually encourage fat storage
Weight charts are kept for progress reasons only, but we understand that being weighed can be distressing for some so this part of the class is entirely optional. The body will only lose fat when it is safe to do so. Forcing fat loss by starvation and excessive exercise is proven to be detrimental to overall health, which is not the goal of the Fat Buster Plan. There are 3 weigh-ins during the 10-week period, but please remember that we will not be weight watching (that's a different class). Our focus is on health and education to provide you with a fit and healthy body for life.
How to Join
Sign up after FREE introduction talk or call ENERGIE FITNESS MONTROSE, Telephone 01674 660882. Classes start on 24th January 11.00 am. or 25th January 8.00 pm. Energie Fitness is a ladies only gym, therefore please note that these classes are available only to women.
Please enquire about Fat Busting for Men at The Body Chemist. See contacts page.
To improve success, we have teamed with ENERGIE FITNESS MONTROSE and your weekly fee includes 1 fitness class. Details of classes are available from the gym.