This is an area I can say that I have first hand experience with. As a mother of 4 boys 2 of which are teenagers I know how hard it is to juggle what is healthy and what is quick and easy for you to prepare especially if you are working and the kids are starving when they come home from school, ready to devour everything in the kitchen cupboards.
However difficult the transition from fast convenience food to healthy meals and snacks the effort to give your children healthy bodies and sharp concentration is worth it. The correct food and nutrition during the early years and throughout childhood has never been more important.
Helping your child develop a good realtionship with good food will help them throughout their adult lives and ensure they live long and happy.
The best gift you can give your child is good health.
Fussy Eaters
I know sometimes feeding children the right foods can be a difficult task. The sight of anything green can sometimes send children into the worst of moods and how do you convince them that it is better to eat their greens than the chips and spagetti hoops they crave.
I know this from first hand experience. I went from frozen fish fingers and pizza to home cooked meals when I discovered my third son was severely allegic to milk protein. Then during my journey with my youngest son who was intolerant to just about everything, wheat, dairy, anything red (tomatoes, red peppers, ketchup) and eggs I had to re-think the family meals again. Yes, I did cry, in the supermarket when reading the labels, and discovered the only place I was safe was the fruit and vegetable aisle. I was no Delia. However learning to cook was to my suprise really enjoyable, so it can be done, I take no excuses. The kids all helped chop and dice and blend. Smoothies are a huge hit and a great way to sneak in the extra vegetables especially those greens. We follow the 80/20 rule in our house so even nutritionalists and their kids can have treats.
Your Child's Consultation
At a child consultation I involve and educate the child depending on the age, using child friendly plans that will give them ownership of their own health. It is important to involve the family as a whole unit. From my own experience nothing is impossible if you are prepared to change.
Family budget and time are main reasons why families can be put off cooking meals from scratch but I can show you that it is just as cost effective to prepare healthy nutrtious food from fresh ingredients that are just as quick and have a mountain more nutrients than pre-packaged food. Children's conditions often respond really quickley to the correct nutrients so please give me a call. My advice on the phone is free so call now to see if I can turn your child's health and therefore his/her future around. Until then please read labels carefully and if you need a chemistry degree put it back on the shelf. I have a chemistry degree and I that's why I put it straight back on the shelf!